Home Plans After the ceremony: ‘He spent the night in a cell…’…

After the ceremony: ‘He spent the night in a cell…’…



My new husband and I were leaving the church, completely overjoyed, with our bridesmaids and parents following behind. When we got outside, though, we realized nobody else seemed to be leaving. We made jokes about how long it was taking before we heard that someone had fallen in the church while leaving her pew. Convinced it was one of our 80-year-old relatives, I was worried that someone had broken their hip and was really worried.

I was wrong about the relative, but (almost) right about the injury: my new brother-in-law’s girlfriend, a fashionista – in too-high platform wedges – had missed the step down from the pew and snapped her ankle. Several doctors in attendance confirmed the break while others dialed the ambulance. My brother-in-law gamely appeared for photos outside the church while she was kept still by the doctors; the ambulance pulled up, blue lights flashing, right as my husband and I got into our limousine to head to the reception. While we enjoyed the wedding supper, she was in the hospital having pins put into her leg.


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