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Starting a Low Overhead Portrait & Wedding Photography Business…


http://photofonz.com – Thinking of starting a Portrait or Wedding Photography Business? With all the interesting and high tech advances in photography, it seems more and more people have a deep interest in photography and would like to be able to make a living or at least earn some kind of income from photography.

Photography can be a very exciting and fun way to make a living. But before you jump into it there are many things you need to know and do so don’t end up loosing your shirt and find yourself in deep financial trouble.

Although it usually takes years until you have a good profitable business and even then you will need to fine tune and learn to run your business so that you’re enjoying your business and it’s not controlling you.

Please realize that learning all about business is not something you learn on a twelve minute You Tube video. But, I’d like to share with you in a nutshell my advice and opinions so you can keep your risks to a minimum and possible make a good income doing photography.

I’ve invested a great deal of money throughout my career on education through workshops, seminars, conventions, etc. I’ve even gone to see some of the top photographers of my time and visited their studios. If I learned one or two good ideas here and there, it was all worth it.
(See more at: http://photofonz.com/?page_id=358)
