Home Plans The Truth About A Plus One…

The Truth About A Plus One…



Nearly every couple struggles during wedding planning with the dreaded plus one.

You know, inviting that single friend and whether or not you should invite them with the opportunity to bring along a guest.

We love a phrase we heard from Perfect Wedding Guide Philadelphia vendor, Randi Martin of Trilogy Event Design – “no ring, no bring.”

But, what does that mean?

Basically, that means that when you are looking at inviting a single friend, unless they are engaged or in a ‘serious relationship’ they get invited alone.

Now, before you start flaming us, let’s talk about the logic for this.

In most cases, this single friend is someone who is part of a larger group; friends from high school, college or from work.

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You will probably work your seating chart around this group, placing them at tables with people they know.

When someone is engaged or in a serious relationship, they have probably met a few other people in the group and will more than likely connect with someone and have something to talk about.

Unfortunately, over the years we have seen that the random plus one knows no one in the group. Too often their date heads off dancing or to the bar with the people the people they know; leaving the plus one sitting alone or worse yet with your great aunt, Martha.

Perfect Wedding Guide - wedding planning advice - wedding guest list - inviting single friends to your wedding

Seriously, don’t over think it. Your single friend knows a lot of other people at the wedding and will be fine.


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