Home Ideas Wedding Rose Bouquet: How To Choose Your Roses…

Wedding Rose Bouquet: How To Choose Your Roses…



Wedding Rose Bouquet: How To Choose Your Roses.

It’s no surprise that the rose bouquet is consistently one of the most popular wedding choices! Roses are beautiful, versatile and come in a range of stunning colours. If you haven’t had a lot of experience in choosing flowers then roses will be a familiar choice. However you might be surprised to learn just how many variations there are to choose from. If you love the idea of roses take a look at some of the key things to consider for the perfect bridal blooms!

By Hiding In The City Flowers


Rose Bouquet Ideas: How To Choose Your Roses.


The most common shades chosen by brides are traditional creams, whites and neutrals – Majolica spray roses are particularly great for this neutral colour palette. We have also seen a rise in brides coming to us with mood boards and Pinterest boards featuring pretty peach roses which is a great gentle alternative to traditional white and can help add a hint of colour for a spring/summer wedding.



When it comes to picking which style of roses to use in your bridal bouquet – Dutch roses last particularly well out of water. However as they have been treated with preservatives it does mean they have very little scent. If you’re dreaming of that beautiful floral fragrance then a British grown rose could be a better option for you.


Rose Bouquet Ideas: How To Choose Your Roses.


Heritage roses are a great alternative to traditional peonies. Peony season ends in July so if you are getting married in the later summer months having peonies shipped from overseas can be costly. Heritage garden roses are in season until September and their full petals give the same vibe as a peony. David Austen roses used to be the only ones you could source but now artisan growers are providing more choice commercially, which is great news for brides!


Rose Bouquet Ideas: How To Choose Your Roses.



Some roses will have a very strong scent and can fill the room with a pretty perfumed aroma. The more fragrant the flower is the less likely it has been treated with chemicals and preservatives. Planning to have roses in your table centrepieces? A more delicate rose that hasn’t been treated will give the room a great fragrance.


Rose Bouquet Ideas: How To Choose Your Roses.



When it comes to your wedding bouquets, you may prefer to go for an unscented rose. These tend to be hardier and will stay looking fresher throughout the day. If you feel like you will really miss that scent in your bouquet, consider teaming your unscented roses with other more fragrant flowers.


Rose Bouquet Ideas: How To Choose Your Roses.



Roses for your bridal bouquet can be sourced all year round. However British Roses (in season from May until September) should be used wherever possible! This is because British rose suppliers use no chemicals on their flowers! You will notice a much better natural scent because the roses haven’t been treated with preserving chemicals.


Rose Bouquet Ideas: How To Choose Your Roses.

Hiding in the City Flowers was launched in London in 2013 by Sarah Loughrey-Jennings. They create floral designs for weddings, events and occasions. Their signature wedding style comes in the form of relaxed, unstructured florals tailored to every brides vision.


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