Home Plans Berta & Bold…

Berta & Bold…



Berta has an avant-gard design style, one that always tests the barriers and boundaries of the modern world of fashion design. Her style of design is famous for bold, sexy and modern fit that incorporates vintage materials and retro styles.

The BERTA fashion house quickly becoming a power house in the international fashion world. Ever since penetrating to the international market in 2013, BERTA has become a household brand-name in record speed.

The BERTA dresses are so unique and distinguished from anything else out there, that the fashion industry couldn’t stay indifferent. And the reactions were phenomenal, driven by the love of the crowd on social media.

BERTA has become the most popular and sought-after brand in the bridal industry and one of the hottest names in the ready-to-wear scene.

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Tags: beautiful, Berta Bridal, bold, elegant, wedding


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