Home Plans Bye Felicia…

Bye Felicia…



We aren’t suggesting that the bridal party should go all “Mean Girls,” but there are some people you don’t need to invite to the bachelorette party.

Ride or Die

Yes, it should be a little bigger than the bride’s ride or die friends. After all, most of us only have one or two of those, if we are that lucky.

You’ll want a large enough group to make it festive and fun, and to share the costs if we’re completely honest.

Sorry Sister

We’ve seen times when a bride-to-be felt like she needed to invite every sorority sister she has. We get it; they’re sisters. But only asking those sisters the bride is close with is appropriate.

That’ll Work

Seriously, the coworker who asks her about her wedding every week but has never been out for drinks or the bride has never had over for dinner doesn’t have to make a list.

The Family Tree

There is no need to invite her fiancee’s nephews girlfriend. There, we said! Sometimes big extended families don’t necessarily mean close relatives.

Chances are the couple’s sibling will be part of the planning process and will know who is close and who might be a party pooper.

But MOM!!

No, you DO NOT, again DO NOT have to invite the bride (or groom’s) mother to the bachelorette party.

Enough said.


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